Rank And Rent

Post updated: 15 July 2024

Welcome to my Rank and Rent Guide

This post is over 5050 words and it will take you from start to finish but please bear in mind, each section is complex and there will be a link that you can follow to learn more about each section with guides and tips and tricks you can do to get the most for your websites.

I will also be sharing the actual vendors that I use to help you get your website ranking and also rented to a local business.

This is my complete guide to the Rank & Rent Method. All the information below is everything that I do when building out a rank and rent website.

What is Rank and Rent?

Rank & Rent is a local SEO strategy where you build, optimise and then sell leads from a website that you own. You choose the niche, the location of your asset and when the website is generating emails and phone calls, you approach a relevant business and sell them the leads every month.

The Rank and Rent Guide for 2024

For many years I have been building, ranking and then renting out websites to local businesses in the UK & USA.

Over the years I have had many successes and also many lows but with every website, I have learnt something new. What can be done quicker, better and works better for the search engines.

Today, I have decided to share with you all my Rank and Rent (R&R) method and how I am able to get the results and also the clients that rent my assets.

I am open enough to say all of my rankings and renting knowledge is not my own, I did learn from other renowned SEO’ers.

Awesome R&R Tutorials

  • Glen Allsop (Gaps.com, Detailed.com, Viperchill.com)
  • Daryl Rosser (Lionzeal.com)
  • Herc Magnus (hercmagnus.com)

Each of these SEO guru’s has its own guides for ranking and renting. My guide will offer you something more and with that, help get more from your assets.

Who benefits from Rank & Rent websites?

Local businesses that offer a service or a product are always looking for new customers. These are the businesses that you must build and rank websites to rent.

These types of businesses are your bread and butter.

Here is an example…

A plumbing company is always looking for new clients. It does not matter if they are already on page 1 of Google with their website (10% of the first-page real estate), they would prefer to have 20% of the websites showing on page 1, two means of customers contacting them!

Build your Rank & Rent website

The simplest way to explain R&R:

The Rank/Rent method is a tactic that allows you to build a website, rank it in the local search results, and then rent the site out to a local business.

The R&R method is quite simple:

  • Build a website in a Location + Niche that has good traffic numbers on Google.
  • Optimise and rank your website in the search engines for a variety of buying keywords.
  • Rent your website to a business in the same niche + location for a monthly retainer.

Quick FYI before we get started…

Throughout this guide, I am going to assume you have some web knowledge including:

  • Domains
  • Hosting
  • WordPress

If you are not familiar with any of the above, I would suggest heading over to Google and learning about those topics and then coming back to this post.

Are you ready, let’s get into the crux of this technique to make money online 🙂

Websites Domains

In my opinion, this is one of the most important steps in a successful lead generation website.

You are tasked with building a website that looks authentic, has quality content that real customers will want to read and answers the questions by potential customers.

Building a real website that is brandable and authentic is much harder than it sounds but here are some tips and tricks to help you out.

Choosing a Website Domain

The best domain you can get for your website is a TDL for your country:

  • Australia – .com.au
  • United Kingdom – .co.uk
  • South Africa – .co.za

When it comes to the name of your domain, there are 3 options and each offers it’s own benefits etc:

  • EMD: exact match domain
  • PMD: partially match domain
  • Branded: branded domains

I have always favoured a PMD, I feel it gives you a lot more options to play with in terms of finding the right domain for your website.

Website Niche & Location

Something I used to do when I first started out with Rant and rent is going after industries and locations that were out of my league in terms of SEO.

There is an age-old saying:

The best place to hide a dead body is on page 2 of Google

There is no point in trying to build an R&R website if you are not able to get it to the top of Google for your main keywords. It will be money and time wasted.

The best realisation I ever made was to choose niches and locations that were easier to rank and still offered the business value for them to keep paying you a monthly figure for your asset.

Choosing a Niche

Choosing the right industry is a massive part of the success of your rank & rent website.

There are two types of niches you should be looking at:

  • Businesses who have a big price tag and want fewer jobs
  • Businesses who have lower price tags and want many jobs

SEO Niches Updated

I have put together a long list of possible rank & rent list of local business niches that all would be interested in more leads coming from the internet.

This should be used as a guideline and it would be advised to try a few before you find your web ranking calling.

Choosing a Location

Choose a town/city with a population of between 100k – 300k.

This will allow you to get your website ranking quicker and at the top of the search results because the competition will be low.

View my list of Rank and Rent Niches with search traffic and CPC stats.

Website CMS (Content Management System)

I am a 100% WordPress web designer and that is the reason I only build a rank-and-rent website with WordPress.

I personally believe WordPress is the best CMS (Content Management System) out there as it gives you so much control but that is not to say it is the only one you can use:

  • Weebly
  • Wix
  • Joomla
  • Squarespace
  • and many more…

Pretty much all of the above platforms will offer responsive design, this will give your customers a great user experience.

It totally comes down to what you are comfortable with and what works best for you.

Website Content

Because I have been building rank & rent websites for a long time, you get used to seeing one when doing local SEO research and the one thing I have noticed is this is the area where the designers let themselves down.

The content on your website needs to be QUALITY and exactly what a real business would put on their website. DO NOT CUT CORNERS!

Always have in the back of your mind that you should be creating an authority website rather than a churn and burn website.

Ranking Pages

For your ranking pages (Your main keywords) you should aim for 1000+ words and within that page, you should be thinking of how to rank for keyword variations.

  • Use different forms of content (Video, Images, PDF’s etc)
  • Page layout should entice users to contact via that page
  • On-Page SEO should be on point

Optimising your Website

So you have finished your Rank and Rent website and it is time to start getting it ranking for your main keywords in the search engines.

To rank your website on google and other search engines, you will need to do SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

In simple terms, it means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility for relevant searches.

The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to garner attention and attract prospective and existing customers to your business.

Google Business Profile (GBP)

Google Business Profile is by far one of the best ways to generate leads as a local business anywhere in the world and is an integral part of any R&R campaign.

With a reputable website and an optimised Google Profile listing your R&R campaign will be in full swing and will have no problem renting out your asset to a local business.

The benefits of a GBP listing:

  • It is 100% free
  • The 3 pack sits above organic websites in the search results
  • They build trust in your business by allowing customers to leave reviews
  • Build local relevancy for searches online.
  • Click to call off mobiles
  • Customers can message directly from their phones
  • and more

Rank and Rent SEO Guide

With a new website, you need to build the foundation for the SEO of your website and below you will find a guide of what you will need to do. I use all. of the methods mentioned below…

I am going to assume you have added your website to Google Webmaster and submitted it to be crawled.

Your website is scheduled to get indexed by the search engines, now it is time to help Google rank your website. Below are the steps I take to get a RR website in a 300K city ranking.

Press Release

7 days after submitting my website through Google Webmaster, I will order a press release that will go to about 450 news and media websites and the majority will have a link back to your website.

The content on the PR should be around the content of your RR website and should have a link back to your website through branded anchor text. I will always go for branded (Craig Riley) or naked URL (craigriley.org).

Social Signals

Social is important for SEO and if you are a real website, social sharing is important.

Order social signals that will be drip-fed over 30 days – generally.

Web 2.0 Sites

The purpose of these Web 2.0 websites is not to pass link juice to your website but to stop over optimising your main keywords.

When building these Web 2.0’s, always use content around your niche and your location and your anchor text should vary but never use your main keywords!

Here are some examples:

  • http://domain.com
  • Domain.com
  • Company Name
  • Click here
  • More information
  • Visit website
  • and the list goes on…

You can source cheap deals online for these to be built out on your behalf and then the logins supplied back to you.

More Website Content

You should be aiming to publish 2-4 pieces of content on your website blog per week. I know this sounds like a lot but it will help with your authority.

The content should switch between your niche & location.

Niche content: This should add value to your readers and support your main ranking pages.

Location content: This Will show Google that you are a leader within your geo-location.


PBN Link Building

A Private Blog Network (PBN) is a network of authoritative websites used to build links to your money website(s) for the purpose of ranking higher in the Google search engine. A money website is the website you intend on ranking i.e. the one that actually makes money. This can also refer to a clients website. via Lionzeal.com

These are the links that are going to power up your website and get it ranking on the first page of the search engines for your main keywords.

When you order links, you can use your main keywords you are trying to rank for eg: “London plumber”.

You must only use your exact keyword once and it must come from a powerful niche related website. This will give you the most power and link juice to rank for those keywords.

Renting your website

So you have got your website ranking on the first page of Google for your keywords… well done.

Now it is time to track your websites activities and get your website rented out by a local business.

Call & Website Tracking

It is 100% advised to set up tracking from the very start of your R&R campaign. This will allow you to rent the asset so much quicker as you will have sats, call numbers and emails being sent from your asset.

What you will need to do is:

  • Trackable phone number (Call Tracking)
  • Google Analytics (Website Traffic)
  • Email account (Email Enquiries)
  • Keyword tracking (Rank Tracker)

As we are in the business of selling or renting our asset because we are generating phone calls, it is imperative that you set up call tracking for your asset.

This phone number will be displayed on your website, Google My Business, Local directories etc, basically anywhere where someone will find it.

I have put together a guide on how I personally have set up my call tracking or all my rank and rent websites.

Finding a client to rent your website

Now you have a complete ranking & renting asset that is now ready to be rented to a local business in your niche.

There are a number of ways to get your asset rented:

  • Cold calling
  • Emailing individual businesses
  • Stick a sign on your website “Available or Rent”
  • Bulk emailing

I would advise cold calling and emailing businesses individually to who your asset will add value to.

When speaking/emailing use the stats you have collected through your tracking as this will show evidence that your rank and rent asset can deliver and increase their ROI.

I have put together a guide to finding clients for your rank and rent website. In this guide, I go into a lot more details that should help you find the perfect client for your rank and rent website.

Rank and Rent FAQs

I get loads of emails from people asking me questions about this post as well as more definitive questions about their own websites.

Here are some of the questions I get asked which hopefully will answer questions you are having right now.

If the answer to your question is not answered below, get in touch with me and I will do my best to answer.

Here are 10 frequently asked questions around the Rank & Rent technique.

What is Rank and Rent?

The simplest way of explaining Rank & Rent is an online marketing strategy where you build a website targeting a niche and location, you optimise it so it ranks for your keywords on Google and then you rent it out the website to a business to service those leads.

Can you make money from Rank and Rent?

Yes, you can!

The reason why it is a very good method of making an income online is that you are not selling a service (eg: website design or SEO) but selling leads from real customers looking for their services/products online.

Every business wants more leads!

How easy is it to rank a website?

According to multiple sources, the average time for websites to rank on Google through optimization (SEO) techniques is about three to six months. That’s right – jumping to the front of Google’s results usually takes between 90-180 days, depending on the competitiveness of your industry and the popularity of your keywords.


* It all depends on the competition of the websites ranking for your main keyword.

Costs to rank an R&R Website?

our investment costs to rank an R&R website will be less than $500 USD.

Is rank and rent SEO difficult?

Yes and no. Becoming visible in the maps results with an optimised Google My Business profile is more attainable, at least more quickly than ranking a brand new website organically. However, with the right strategy, you’ll be able to rank both in the maps results and the search results using local SEO methods.

Should I give rank and rent SEO a try?

Yes! Especially if you already do SEO for clients or run an affiliate website and fancy a change. A successful rank & rent website can also be used as a very viable case study to attract future clients too.

How do you rank and rent?

In the simplest terms, the Rank and Rent model is a digital marketing strategy where you build a site, nurture it until it becomes visible on search engines, and then rent it out. Local SEO Search engine veterans are flocking to this strategy because it’s simple, scalable and best of all—lucrative.

How do I check my Google ranking?

To check the keyword rank in Google ranking, use our free Keyword Position Checker. Just enter the domain name, keywords and search engine and click the blue ‘Check Position’ button.

What if the business owner already has his own website?

Doesn’t matter, most of my clients do have their own website but they’re treating my lead gen site as a seperate marketing channel similar to owning another billboard property, they’re essentially treating it as if they own two seperate companies in the same town, just like how Starbucks will have multiple storefronts in the same city. (More properties = more leads)

Rank and Rent - Building a Digital Empire

A successful website can be difficult to sell, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of Kocy’s Rank and Rent Guide for 2022, you can easily and affordably bring your business to the attention of new customers. To be successful with this technique, you must first understand how it works. Listed below are some tips for making your website stand out from the rest. Read on to learn how this service can help you achieve your goals! Once you have a site up and running, you’re ready to sell it to businesses.


Rank and Rent is a simple, scalable, and profitable business model. The basic idea is to develop a portfolio of websites and rent them to other people. With this, you’ll be able to increase the overall value of your website, while retaining ownership. Unlike renting property, you won’t have to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds to get started. And, you can build your site for free! You can focus on building your website and earning money from it.

Rank and Rent is a secure model for website owners. A high-ranking website will always have an interest. It doesn’t require a large investment to start a ranking and renting website. In contrast, property landlords need to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on properties. In comparison, a website can be built for free! Moreover, it is very easy to start with Rank and Rent. It is suitable for beginners, intermediates, and even experts.

The first tip is to decide on your niche. Rank and Rent has a wide variety of niche options, so you should choose one that is relevant to your expertise. Remember to consider your audience and what you’re selling to a target market. This will allow you to maximize your profits and avoid overspending. You’ll need to select your keyword, niche, and industry carefully. Once you’ve decided on a topic, you’ll need to choose a specific topic.

If you have an established site and a huge amount of traffic, you should consider a rank and rent website. These websites have a high demand and are a great way to make money from the Internet. Besides, they can be a valuable asset for your business. If you have good SEO knowledge, you’ll earn handsomely from them. Aside from making money, rank and rent websites can also give you a guaranteed income for a long time.

Rank & rent is a great strategy for lead generation. You can buy or rent a website and then let it run as long as you want. Aside from the profit potential, this strategy allows you to create your own website. However, it is not for everyone. The process requires some research and understanding of the nuances of online marketing. You’ll need to be a good SEO expert in order to be successful with this technique.

Rank and rent is an alternative to lead generation. Rank and rent is a unique method of digital marketing that involves building and nurturing a website until it becomes visible in search engines. Once it has become popular, it can be used to earn passive income. If you’re an experienced online marketer, you can also try Rank and Rent to make a lot of money with it. The process is simple, scalable, and profitable.

Rank and rent is a great strategy for local SEO. You build a website that ranks highly for a local search term and then rent it to local businesses. Once you have the website up and running, you’ll then be able to sell leads to these businesses. By selling these leads, you can earn a good living. The process of renting a website is simple and fast. Once you’ve rented the site, you’ll have a permanent source of revenue.

There are many types of SEO services. Rank and rent practitioners specialize in local search. Their main objective is to attract local businesses to their site. In most cases, they build niche websites and then lease them out to other businesses. Despite the name, it is still important to do research before starting your own SEO campaign. If you don’t have an idea of what your target customers are looking for, a website is not going to generate any leads for you.

Rank and Rent Review

Firstly, I want to thank you for getting through this post about Rank & Rent, I know it is long and there is quite a bit of info for you to take in.

Is rank and rent for you? That is something you will have to decide, for me, it is the only way. It fits into my lifestyle and the clients that I have who are renting my websites are very happy I know if I keep my sites ranking and generating phone calls, they will keep paying.

When you commit to it and put in the work, you will see results and you will earn a passive income!

As an experienced digital marketing agency, our Rank and Rent solution provides the expertise you need to create and rank websites that can be rented out to local businesses. Our comprehensive approach guarantees success, with experienced professionals providing support with every step of the way.

Our service is efficient and cost-effective, and our professional tone ensures you get the results you need quickly. Let us help you maximize your rental income and take your business to the next level.

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